Spring fatigue. What's behind it and how to fight the flabbiness

The fact that the personal energy level is initially low in spring can have many reasons. The changes in hormone balance alone, which adapts to the circumstances of the new season, play a major role. Sudden changes in the weather or dietary changes from hearty to light foods also throw the body out of balance and leave it exhausted. However, this spring fatigue can be well countered with a few tricks.

1. soak up the sun: reduction of melatonin

If the body absorbs sufficient sunlight, the production of the happiness hormone serotonin is boosted. The effect: the more serotonin the human organism secretes, the better it feels. The production of vitamin D is also increased by the intake of direct daylight and favors the more rapid breakdown of the sleep hormone melatonin. Thus, one feels more awake and active than in the dark winter months.

"Regular sunbathing is an important energy booster, but should be enjoyed with caution with regard to our skin. Rich skin care should therefore be part of the daily routine. In addition to sunscreens that protect the skin from intense UV radiation, high-quality skin care products can do the skin cells some additional good. The Prof. George Birkmayer NADH SKIN SERUM with NADH, for example, is ideally suited for young and older skin and leads to a well-groomed, radiant appearance," says René Pfneiszl, Managing Director of Prof. George Birkmayer NADH.

2. outdoor exercise gets the body going

Whether it's running, hiking or extensive walking: Regular physical activity in the fresh air can help stimulate the body and increase the production of happiness hormones such as serotonin. Especially after the long winter period, this can increase performance, reduce stress, strengthen the immune system and improve overall well-being. In order for our body to function at its best during training, every single cell needs sufficient energy to perform at its best.

"A balanced diet as well as a healthy lifestyle have a significant impact on our energy levels. What many people don't know: The body's own coenzyme NADH also supports the energy production of our body cells," René Pfneiszl knows.

3. balanced diet as a natural energy booster.

A vitamin-rich diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables provides the body with the necessary nutrients to cope with the change from winter to spring full of energy. NADH is also absorbed through our daily food. Fish, raw meat but also vegetables such as corn, onions or carrots are excellent NADH suppliers. However, since a large proportion is lost during preparation by cooking, frying or baking, a supplementary NADH intake can be beneficial.

"As a biological form of hydrogen, the body's own NADH is a crucial component in cellular energy production. Prof. George Birkmayer's special, highly bioavailable NADH formulation means that this NADH can also be absorbed extremely effectively by the body," says René Pfneiszl.

In 1994, Prof. George Birkmayer received the patent for the first and only stable NADH formula in tablet form and made it available to the general public as a dietary supplement. The original Prof. George Birkmayer NADH RAPID, for example, can be taken in the form of lozenges to provide additional support to the body.

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