Sport despite summer heat? This is how it works

Summer is the perfect time to be active and exercise outdoors. However, the intense heat can be challenging and pose potential risks. To help you stay safe and healthy while exercising, in this blog post we present valuable tips on how to beat the heat and continue to reap the benefits of sports.

1. choose the right time of day

One of the most important things you can do to minimize heat stress is to choose the right time for your workout. Avoid the hottest hours of the day, usually between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m., and prefer early morning or late evening instead. At these times, the temperature is more comfortable and the sun is less intense.

2. wear suitable clothes

Choose lightweight, breathable sportswear that wicks away sweat while protecting against UV rays. Avoid dark colors, as they can absorb heat. Wear a cap or visor to protect your face from the direct sun, and don't forget to apply sunscreen with a high SPF.

3. hydrate yourself sufficiently

We sweat more in the heat, which leads to increased fluid loss. Therefore, drink water regularly before, during and after exercise to keep your body hydrated. Avoid alcoholic beverages and caffeinated substances as they can be dehydrating. A good way to check your fluid needs is to observe the color of your urine - light yellow is a sign of adequate hydration.

4. search for breaks and shade

Give your body the rest it needs and seek shade to protect yourself from direct sunlight. Take short breaks during your workout to cool down and regenerate your body. It is also a good idea to train in places where you have access to cool water, e.g. near drinking fountains.

5. choose the right sport

Some sports are better than others for staying active safely in the heat of summer. Water sports like swimming or stand-up paddling are great options, as they also keep you cool. If you still prefer to exercise on land, consider activities like yoga, biking or hiking, as they are less intense and can often be done in shady locations.

6. listen to your body

Pay attention to your body's signals and don't overdo it. If you feel dizzy, lightheaded or extremely exhausted, seek shade and rest immediately. Heat exhaustion and heat stroke are serious conditions and require immediate attention. Trust your body and stop when you feel it is getting too much.


The summer heat shouldn't stop you from being active and exercising. With the right precautions, you can ensure that your workout remains enjoyable and safe even in the heat. Remember to choose the right time of day, wear appropriate clothing, hydrate adequately, take breaks, seek out shaded areas, choose the right type of exercise, and pay attention to your body's signals. By following these tips, you can enjoy the summer to the fullest while staying active and healthy.

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