Tips against the cold season

The leaves turn bright hues, the first frost announces itself and our warm jackets are taken out of the closet. When autumn comes, the cold season is near.

Since every one of us wants to get through the cool months fit and healthy, in this blog post we'll give you tips on how to best prepare for cold season with the right diet, exercise and NADH.

1. the power of proper nutrition

Every time we eat, we make a choice for our health. The right diet can strengthen our immune system and make us more resistant to viruses and bacteria

    • Vitamin-rich diet: Go for foods rich in vitamins C, E, A and D. Citrus fruits, berries, nuts, dark green leafy vegetables and fatty fish are your best friends now.
    • Zinc & Selenium: These trace elements are essential for the immune defense. Pumpkin seeds, beef or Brazil nuts provide these important nutrients.
    • Probiotic foods: Yogurt, kefir and fermented foods such as sauerkraut promote healthy intestinal flora, which in turn is essential for a strong immune system.


2. exercise in the fresh air

It may be tempting to hole up indoors when the weather is cool, but exercise in the fresh air has several benefits:

    • Oxygenation: Walking or jogging outdoors increases oxygenation, which stimulates metabolism and the immune system.
    • Sunshine Vitamin D: Even though the sun's rays are weaker in the fall, they can help produce vitamin D, which is essential for a strong immune system.
    • Stress relief: exercise releases endorphins, which act as natural painkillers and mood elevators.

3. NADH: The coenzyme of vitality

Now we come to the secret tip for your winter preparation: NADH. This endogenous co-enzyme plays a key role in our energy metabolism. Especially in the darker months when we feel tired and weary, NADH supports us by assisting the production of energy in the form of ATP, the "fuel" of our cells.
Through proper nutrition, NADH and - through exercise - increased oxygen supply, we provide our cells with both the necessary "fuel" and oxygen to optimally convert our food into our body's own energy and thus best arm ourselves against the cold season.


Conclusion: The cold season does not necessarily have to be accompanied by colds and coughs. With the right diet, regular exercise and NADH, you will also be able to enjoy the cold season 100%. With this in mind: Take good care of yourself and stay healthy!

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